picture in Nice, France
Drew and I are taking a vacation to Colorado at the beginning of July and I am SO excited because I’m itching to travel! I would actually consider myself a homebody, but I love traveling because it’s fun and helps me keep life in perspective. It’s a fresh sense of adventure, reminds me I’m not in control AT ALL, helps me appreciate home more, and helps me be more empathetic to others. So today, while my travel bug senses are tingling, I thought I’d share our ever expanding bucket list with you! Like you, we’ll always be adding or changing dreams and goals as we continue to grow. BUT for now, here’s a few places & things on the top of our list.
Ever few months before bed Drew gets out colored construction paper & colorful markers and he asks me to dream BIG. And then write those big dreams down so we don’t forget them. The list below is a condensed version of our brainstorming sessions 🙂 I love getting to do this together because it helps unify us to reach our dreams and goals together. Some may never happen. Some will. Either way, I’m so excited, especially because he’s by my side!
Collectively, Drew and I have traveled to 26 countries by the age of 21. We know this is rare & our SO THANKFUL to our parents who were a huge reason why this was possible. If you couldn’t tell, we love traveling and, Lord willing, hope to do so for the rest of our lives.
These are places we’d love to photograph weddings & travel to someday soon:
New Zealand
If you know anyone looking to get married in these locations, send them our way! We offer *discounts* for destination weddings & elopements!
Things we’d love to do:
- Adopt and/or Foster kiddos: After I traveled to Guinea, Africa and read “Anything” by Jenny Allen my freshman year of college, I have been SET on wanting to adopt and foster. Before we got engaged Drew and I had several discussions about this because that honestly was a deal breaker for me. For the past four years, and until we do adopt or foster, I will continue to pray for the kiddos the Lord will bring into our lives. Some people ask if we want to stay in country or do an overseas adoption – we have no preference right now – totally open!
- Scuba Dive in the Great Barrier Reef: This is more for me and less for Drew. He doesn’t super want to because of sharks which is understandable. I’m just hoping that by the time we make it to Australia, he’ll be able to overcome his fear!
- Hot Air Balloon Ride: Ever since I was a wee little lad, I’ve really wanted to do this! It just looks so fun!
- Buy our first house in cash: This has been Drew’s dream that, overtime, I have bought into (see what I did there?) as well. A few months into marriage, we took a 10-week Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course at church and it has been one of the biggest game changers of marriage. We cannot recommend it enough!! The hope would be that we’ll “live like no one else now so we can live like no one else later.” SO, for us that means waiting & saving enough to buy our first house in full. Then (in theory) we’ll be able to set aside what we would have been paying for a mortgage for other things like adopting, traveling & our kid’s college funds. Wish us luck! haha. I’ll keep you posted on this dream!
- Have a thriving vegetable garden: I’m a sucker for fruits & veggies so it’d be really fun to have it so accessible. Drew loves cooking and we love eating fresh foods so this would be so ideal!
- Hit up some National Parks: Yellowstone, Yosemite, Zion, Sequoia: We love hiking and being outdoors so it only seems fitting. Drew has been to Yosemite once when he was younger but would love to go back!
- Go Sailing in the Ocean: Drew has been before, but I never have! Just like the hot air balloon ride, it just always looked so fun to me so I’ve wanted to go for a long time.
- Open a Bed & Breakfast when our kids grow up: who knows if this dream will last but I LOVE the idea of opening up a little place that people can escape to to get refreshed, connect with each other & play freely. I think decorating it would be so fun and Drew already offered to be the chef (dang that man can cook! People will be in heaven!) so it seems like a full proof plan to me 😉
- See the Northern Lights: because why not? This would be AMAZING!
- African Safari: Drew and I have both been blessed to go to Africa once before and it would be SO cool to go back! A safari is appealing to see all the beautiful animals!
Pictures below of a few of our favorite travels! You can hear all about where we’ve traveled, our story & what we love here! Thanks for joining us in this journey guys!

Swiss Alps in Switzerland- this was my very first time skiing!

Prague, Czech Republic

Guinea, Africa


Rome, Italy

Giants of Causeway, Northern Ireland