Hey there! I'm so glad you're here! I'm Monica Brown, a wedding photographer from Indianapolis who loves to celebrate couples & photographers. I hope you enjoy browsing through recent work, advice for brides & photographers, and taking a peek into our personal life!
If you read our recent post about why you should outsource, then you’ll know I’m a huge fan of outsourcing in your business! You can delegate several areas of your business, but one that we love to outsource is editing.
Once I realized the freedom of my time & energy I got from outsourcing, I was sold and I don’t think I’ll ever turned back! I want you to have that same freedom!! Yes, it’s an investment, but it’s worth it my friend! If you’re seriously considering outsourcing your editing, we want to give you some tips on how to have a great experience with your editor. Today, we’re mixing things up and it’s a guest post because I want you to hear from our editor himself!
Adam’s wife, Megan, started her photography business in 2011 shortly after they got married. Megan started editing for other photographers for a little extra income, more consistent work, and to open up some weekends. Adam began editing because he thought it was fun (what a gift! haha) and it was something he could do as a side job. When his full time position as a youth pastor turned into a part time job, Adam decided to join Meagan and make their photography/photo editing business his full time gig! “We both like it because we have more consistent schedules, I’m home more now during the evenings and on Sundays, and we each get to spend more time with our kids! We also love finding ways to put “us” into our business through the way we interact with clients…we have fun chatting over email and social media and sending goodies and such.We are also looking at ways to grow our business. Meagan is currently working on a contentment course, where she wants to engage, challenge, and inspire women in their own lives in the area of contentment…I think it’s shaping up to be something really good.” Check out their website here!
My wife has a client who refers to her as the editing fairy—she sends her catalogs to be edited and POOF! they come back ready for the gallery!
I’m not an editing fairy…if I was a photo editing fairy, I would probably find another job. Too much spandex and too much glitter. Instead, I’m a backpacking-crunchy-guitar riff jamming-home brewing-Dungeons and Dragons podcast listening-photo editing technician! In the world of wedding photography I often laugh because I feel a little out of place. I’m surrounded by soft pastel colors, easy listening music, minimalist design websites, coffee shops and mushy blog posts. I like first person shooters (any Destiny fans out there?), micro breweries and Pearl Jam, but I can be light and airy too! I approach photo editing like a puzzle – I want to see what the photographer did to make that image happen, and I love figuring out how to get it right!
Meagan (my wife) and I love editing for our clients and cherish the relationships we have with them. It’s been a blast working with Monica and Drew – they’ve been a great client for me (Meagan and I each have our own clients and we work exclusively with them) and when Monica asked if I could share my thoughts on how to have a great relationship with a photo editor, I couldn’t say no!
If you are considering the leap to outsourcing your work, let me congratulate you on taking that step! Many photographers are afraid to allow others to edit their own work, and understandably so! Your work is an extension of yourself, and it deserves to be respected and taken seriously. A good editor will protect your work as if it was his/her own!
So…without further ado, here are three things that I believe you should do in order to work successfully with an editor:
I wish you the best of luck as you search for an editor! Just remember to be thorough, honest, and patient. I’d love to hear your stories about your photographer/editor relationships…and if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email at adam@the-jepsons.com. I want to see your business thrive!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to get back to saving the world (last call for you Destiny fans out there!) from another alien onslaught. Keep pressing on, folks!