
May 8, 2023

Ava Mae’s Twelfth Month

Ava Mae is ONE YEAR!! How can it be!? It has been the sweetest 12 months with our littlest love! She brings so much joy, spunk and adventure to our lives. I’m a few weeks past her birthday in posting this but I think it’s because I’ve been emotional about her actually being ONE!

Some things we learned:

-She loves to blow kisses, give kisses, clap her hands, wave, and pat your back when holding her. She’s generally quite expressive which has been really fun!

-She LOVES climbing…especially on top of kid tables and chairs/couches.

-She also LOVES walking assisted- she does laps from one side of our house to the other with her grocery cart or walker. She also loves when we hold her hands to walk. She’s close for sure!

-Still slow in the teeth department, she only has her bottom two. Nora was the same way so not surprised by this!

-She absolutely hates getting cleaned off after meals and generally doesn’t like diaper changes either. Too many other things to do I guess ha.

-She’s still going strong with nursing and I’m so proud of both of us for making it to 12 months! I’m going to play these next few months by ear but am hopeful to go a few more months.

-She adores her big sister. Their friendship/bond MELTS me in a puddle and something we pray for every day!

Some Highlight:

-First Easter celebrations! We did a themed play date with friends, church egg hunt, brunch with extended family and baskets at our house. Ava’s bunny bonnet was a hit at church haha.

-Mom & Dad were sadly gone a good chunk of most weekends so they had LOTS of sweet time with nana & pappy! We are SO grateful for them and the girls loved their sleepovers & Costco runs!

-Playing with Miranda & her dog Bingley when she babysat a few times this month (bless her!!)

-Hanging with other small group friends like Bekah, Bizzy, Anna, Kacie and baby Averie (who Nora loves to hold).

-Grammy & Grampy’s 60th wedding anniversary dinner.

-Aunt Addie’s bridal shower.

-1st birthday party with extended family at nana & pappy’s house.

-Another double ear infection- boo!

-1st birthday party with friends on her actual birthday!

home girl LOVES her books!
these cracked me up ha
We’ve spent a lot of time at parks this month, which has been so fun!
Birthday party #1 with family at nana & pappy’s house!
it’s a good thing Ava is great at sharing already ha. Nora loved her bitty baby!
Birthday party #2 at our house with friends!
Ava had LOTS of help eating her cake from her toddler sis & friends haha
Easter Sunday!
Ava’s first Easter!
Easter egg hunt at church! Nora and I got matching hand paint ha.
Grammy & Grampy’s 60th wedding anniversary celebration dinner! The girls we’re present for their surprise party the next day but got to join in on this fun!
Aunt Addie’s bridal shower!
Matching backs with Aunt Em!
Nana & Pappy were the MVP’s of the month of April as they watched the girls every weekend which was nuts!
Nora loves holding our newest little bestie, Averie!
Nora took the picture of us on the right after Ava nursed in the morning- they melt me!
rainy day forts
Left: Nora wanted to “take a video” of daddy and Ava playing haha
Lunch at the zoo with friends!
Visiting with my family in Lafayette
Our dear friend Beka, who we adore!! She helped with bedtime when Drew was out of town for work AND made Ava’s incredible birthday cakes!!
Nora reenacting Ava’s “pose”

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