Hey there! I'm so glad you're here! I'm Monica Brown, a wedding photographer from Indianapolis who loves to celebrate couples & photographers. I hope you enjoy browsing through recent work, advice for brides & photographers, and taking a peek into our personal life!
Since having a baby, I’m ALL about Halloween costumes!! Especially family themed ones- I think they’re so fun! For Nora’s first Halloween, when she was just a few weeks old, we were Lady & the Tramp and she was our plate of spaghetti. This year, we were Piglet, Winnie the Pooh (baby #2 was my […]
We are SO excited to meet baby #2 and to watch Nora become the best big sister! We found out about this baby on my dad’s birthday (August 23rd) and as I type this I’m 2 days away from being 18 weeks. Can you tell I’m a bit behind on blogging?? haha. Baby Brown #2 […]
Nora is ONE!! 365 days with our favorite girl. Wow, that’s crazy to me! Twelve months came and went. We have had so much fun watching and grow and getting to know her little personality. This month she’s back up to the 95th percentile for height, 80th percentile for weight, and 50th percentile for head […]
Some Highlights: -Her first & second time to the Indiana State Fair (in the same day ha). We went for lunch with family & dinner with friends. She did have a rough night after and we think its because of all the fried food I ate affected her little tummy- poor thing! She loved the […]
10 months. Wow. Time slow down PLEASE!! This month felt like summer was in full swing and we soaked up the sunshine, pool days, Some Highlights: -Celebrating Drew’s first Father’s Day! -Visiting my immediate family in Ohio a few times -Adding more finishing touches to her new room (aka a ceiling fan, re-attaching the stick […]
In March, I took my first solo travel with Nora to Florida (you can view a little recap from our trip on her 6 month update), which was also her first flights ever! In April our little family of three flew to Hilton Head to photograph Sam & Caitie’s wedding. In May we drove 10 […]
We had LOTS of sweet family time (with both sides of our extended families) and two really long car rides this month and Nora was a CHAMP! We’re grateful for her chill, flexible, and happy demeanor! It’s really fun and sweet to see more of her personality come to light. We love you SO much […]
Since marrying into the Brown family, this will be my third trip to Maine with them which is SO fun! The first one was right after we got married in 2016 (literally 1 weeks after we got home from our honeymoon haha) and the second time in 2018. Each trip has felt different but this […]
At the end of May we headed to Georgia for our Wagner family reunion! My dad is one of seven kids so as you can imagine, our family has grown to be quite large! I’m so grateful for each of these incredible humans and loved spending a long weekend together!! Hope you enjoy a little […]
Sweet Nora Sue is EIGHT MONTHS OLD! Wow. That feels really old. I mean I know in comparison it’s really not but it sure does feel like its flying by. We love our growing, happy, wiggly girl!! Some things we’ve learned: -She LOVES to laugh and smile!! It’s pretty easy to get her to do […]