Hey there! I'm so glad you're here! I'm Monica Brown, a wedding photographer from Indianapolis who loves to celebrate couples & photographers. I hope you enjoy browsing through recent work, advice for brides & photographers, and taking a peek into our personal life!
I truly feel like I blinked and this month went by! It’s been a bit crazy in the Brown household as we’re renovating a new house before moving in. As a result, this is sadly the month where both Drew and I have been away from Nora the most since she’s been alive as we’ve […]
It’s SO HAPPY and so sad to be writing Nora’s sixth month blog post! Time seriously needs to slow down!! This has been a very very eventful month of life which is probably why it feels like it FLEW by. Things we’ve learned about Nora: -She starting to like a paci…sometimes. -She still tries to […]
This has been such a fun month because more of her personality is starting to shine, which has been so fun for us! She is a babbling, sucking on anything that comes close to her mouth and loves to smile. She’s starting to voice opinions more (aka cry to communicate what she doesn’t like) which […]
This month zoomed by! We’re so grateful for our healthy, happy girl and trying to soak up every little moment. I’ve heard so many people say “babies don’t keep” and wow that couldn’t be more true!! What we’ve learned about Nora: -She loves to smile, coo, & laugh, especially when she’s only in her diaper! […]
Three whole months with Nora Sue and wow time sure does need to slow down!! What we’ve learned about her: -She still loves bath time and getting her diaper + clothes changed. Ya’ll the otteroo is SO much fun for bath time!! -She’s a growing girl!! In the 90 percentile for both height and weight, […]
I feel like I blinked and we’re here! How am I already writing her second month post!? She’s growing and changing so much already, its crazy to me!! Her first month of life was incredible, but I am really loving her starting to interact with us more as her personality comes out! Some things we’ve […]
Well now that she’s 7 weeks old, it seemed fitting to publish this ha! It’s really hard to imagine that Nora is over a month old!! Those first four weeks of her life sure did FLY by!! She was born at 7lbs, 7oz, 21in. At her one week check up she was 7lbs 15oz and […]
When Nora was just 5 days old my friend Sami, who happens to be an amazing family photographer, came over to document the first week with our sweet girl. I LOVEE all of these images and can’t believe how much Nora has already grown since…babies change so fast! I shared a nursery tour a few […]
Nora was due on October 11, 2020. I was hoping and praying and doing alll the things to get her here early because I was READY! I’m so grateful I had a smooth pregnancy but by the time I hit 39 weeks, I was like get this baby out of me, I’m SO ready to […]
We started working on Nora Sue’s nursery mid June, just 4 months before her due date, and wow it was such a fun process!! Decorating any room for me always takes time and pieces from different places until it all feels like it comes together- her room was no different. I found it so helpful […]